This policy is subject to change based on guidance from the state of Massachusetts and the Acton Board of Health.

  • Members with guest privileges are allowed to bring guests to the pool as long as the lifeguard has not determined the pool to be too crowded. Members are asked to be considerate about not bringing guests during peak times.

  • Member households are allowed to bring no more than 6 guests in a day, and the same guest no more than 5 days in a month.

  • A member child ages 9-12 is never allowed to bring a guest without a parent member present.

  • A member child ages 13-17 is permitted to bring up to 3 guests without a parent member present.

  • Guest Sign-In Procedure: Member records the number of guests in the sign-in binder; pays the $5/guest fee to the cash box; records guest information on member’s guest card; introduces guests to guard; guard signs member’s guest card; and member re-files guest card in file box.

  • A childcare provider is considered a member of the household and is not charged as a guest.